Smoke Free
Saint Lucia

Development of the National Tobacco Control Policy and Implementation Plan

Headed by The Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat



The Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs expresses a tremendous thank you to the individuals who participated in this initiative.  Your support and contribution to the project blog helped to make this project a great success.    Saint Lucia now has its first tobacco control policy and implementation plan which will be very helpful in addressing the needs and issues involved in comprehensive tobacco control.  We are very grateful to the project funder, Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative and the Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease for their funding and technical support. There is a lot more work to be done in making this policy a working plan of the relevant agencies and partners involved but the SAACS remains committed to seeing this through for you, for us, for our Saint Lucia.    As promised, the prize of blue-tooth ear-pods will be awarded to the nine top bloggers who participated during the project!  Remember a tobacco-free generation starts with you and me! We can do it! 

The Government of Saint Lucia seeks to advance further implementation of sound tobacco control, and control of all forms of smoking in an effort to reduce the risk factors which contribute to increasing rates of chronic noncommunicable diseases and pre-mature death. This data collection tool will provide guidance for the development of a National Tobacco Control Policy and Implementation Plan. The policy will address the gaps in prevention, treatment, and care, through the design of a comprehensive and integrated approach. Funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.

You are invited to participate in the policy analysis and development exercise. Please take this opportunity to play your part to ensure a safer healthier Saint Lucia for everyone.


“This document has been produced with the help of a grant managed by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of The Union or the Bloomberg Philanthropies.”

Chance to Win a Prize for Participating & Commenting!


Participation will be judged via quesstionnaire submission as well as meaningful and substantive comments and discussions on blog posts. The winners for the most participation and engagement will recieve a pair of Bluetooth Wireless Earphones!


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West Indies

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